The Rutgers Master Gardeners of Cumberland County invite you to join a bus trip to the Wilmington Flower Show in Wilmington, DE on Friday, May 9. The Wilmington Flower Show is an outdoor event, sponsored by the Wilmington Flower Market as its annual charity fundraiser. Proceeds are used to support organizations which serve children throughout the State of Delaware.
The flower show grounds are typical of outdoor fairs and festivals with many vendors of merchandise and food. Flowers donated by area nurseries and individuals are sold from an area called Garden Gallery. There are numerous food vendors, and many options for lunch.
This trip will run from 9 a.m. to approximately 3 p.m. with departure from the rear parking lot of the Ramada Inn on West Landis Avenue in Vineland promptly at 9 a.m. The cost for the trip is $35. Checks should be made payable to “County of Cumberland” and mailed or delivered to Rutgers Cooperative Extension (RCE), 291 Morton Avenue, Millville, NJ 08332-9776 by April 24. Please call 609-805-5206 to register.