The Rotary Club of Haddonfield Foundation each year provides financial assistance to deserving students in Camden County who are planning to further their education in a university, college, vocational or other setting.
Since 2022, the foundation has awarded 165 scholarships worth over $311,000. Special consideration is given to students who demonstrate an understanding of the mission of Rotary International: providing service to others; promoting high ethical standards; and advancing world understanding, goodwill and peace.
Scholarships of up to $2,000 will be awarded to high-school seniors with excellence in academics and the arts, as well as students who plan on majoring in several specific areas outlined at haddonfieldrotary.org/page/apply-for-a-rotary-club-of-haddonfield-foundation-scholarship. The deadline is March 14.
For more information, contact Denise C. Stuart, foundation chair, at HaddonfieldRotary501c3@gmail.com.