Medford Councilman Erik Rebstock (second from right) and Michael Czyzyk (first from left) were nominated and unanimously approved to serve as mayor and deputy mayor, respectively, at council’s reorganization meeting on Jan. 7.
New faces will lead Medford Township this year, despite some dissent from the public.
Collectively, the township council has decided to return to a yearly rotation of mayor and deputy mayor. For the last nine years, the township was led by Mayor Chuck Watson. But on Jan. 7, Councilman Erik Rebstock and Michael Czyzyk were nominated and unanimously approved to serve as mayor and deputy mayor, respectively, at council’s reorganization meeting.
Rebstock and Czyzyk took the oath of office from former Assemblyman Brandon Umba.
Rebstock called the mayoral position “an honor and humbling.” And he said he would be remiss if he didn’t share council’s appreciation for Watson, a 14-year member of the governing body.
“There is no doubt in the past 14 years that Medford has changed, grown and developed,” Rebstock noted. “… From his (Watson’s) impact on the Main Street business district to a healthy growth and mindset of affordable housing, and his part in growing a more accessible municipal government via our new town hall.
“… We are where we are because of him.”
Rebstock said looking ahead, council’s most significant change involves returning to the rotation of mayors, since council’s role falls under the Faulkner Act type of government. (The act provides New Jersey municipalities with a variety of local government models.)
“Our council oversees policy and the township manager, who serves as our chief executive and administrator,” he explained. “The council appoints the mayor and deputy mayor each year, and this year, we are in agreement and moving in unity as we are re-starting the process of rotating the mayor and deputy mayor roles as we have in the past.
“It is a collective decision of council that we should return to the rotation of mayor so that all members of council can share in expanding roles of governing our community.”
In the meeting’s public comments, some residents expressed opposition to the leadership change. One called it a “hostile takeover,” while another welcomed the change.
Rebstock said council will remain focused on Medford, and in the year ahead, members look forward to serving residents as they face challenges together.
“It is our desire to pursue healthy development in our many business districts, including taking on the challenges of marrying a successful business model on Main Street with the needs and concerns of the residents who call the same area home,” he pointed out.
“We’re taking a balanced approach to development, while preserving the charm of farms and community here.”
As the township focuses on its future generations, its officials are excited to continue relationships with the Medford school district and the Medford Youth Athletic Association (MYAA).
“Local funding has continually been cut at the state level,” Rebstock reported. “However, we support the schools and MYAA’s pursuit of excellence in education, extra-curriculars and protection of our students and children. As residents have realized, budgeting is a challenge in this inflation economy. We’re still reeling from the pandemic and trying to navigate this as we see less and less money from Trenton.
“As a standing example,” he added, “last year’s solid-waste contract for trash nearly doubled from the year before, so along with our new township manager, Daniel Hornickel, we will work intensively as well as collectively to pursue our goal to keep Medford a great place to live, work, shop, and play.”