Stop by the Millville Historical Society’s display located in the atrium of the Riverfront Renaissance Center for the Arts during the High Street Arts Festival in Millville on Saturday, October 26, from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. As a proud partner of RevolutionNJ, the society’s exhibit will focus on the Revolutionary War officer Captain Joseph Buck, who founded Millville. Rebecca Mulford Bacon will also be highlighted. She was one of Millville’s former leading citizens and played a role in the creation of the Greenwich Tea Burning Monument in 1908.
As our nation gears up for the 250th commemoration of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, events in New Jersey have begun. A large copy of our country’s founding document will be on display, and visitors can practice its signing with a feather quill and walnut ink. Everyone is invited to play period pastimes such as Shut-the-Box, Jacob’s Ladder, Jacks, Bilbo Catcher, Quoits, Whirligig, Nine Pins and Mancala. Participants will be able to create and take home a colonial era Church Doll.
Christine Sheil will be “Sharing the Joy of Music” by playing the piano and singing songs from early American history. Christine invites the audience to sing along with her.
The event is free and open to the public, with the Millville Historical Society as just one of several participating organizations.