Recently, Rowan College of South Jersey (RCSJ) President Dr. Frederick Keating was awarded the Excellence in Advocacy of First-Generation Students Award for 2025 by Rowan University’s Flying First Task Force. This presentation took place at Rowan University’s 8th Annual Flying First Symposium.
The Symposium focus, “Belonging & Community: First-Gen Connections That Matter,” was to highlight the vital importance of community and connection in fostering a sense of belonging for first-gen students from the first year of college through professional careers.
Through the establishment of the Keating Family Presidential Institute for First-Generation Students, Keating is laying a foundation of support that will empower countless individuals to overcome educational barriers and achieve their dreams of earning a college degree.
“I’m very proud of being a first-generation student and extremely honored to receive this award and my heartfelt thanks to Rowan University. Having established the Keating Family Presidential Institute for First-Generation Students is something near and dear to my heart,” Keating said. “I remember that difficult conversation at the dinner table with my parents about attending college. I wasn’t certain about my future, but one person reached back and got me, and put me on a path that helped define my future.”
Keating’s award was presented by De’Chyna King, a first-generation Rowan University transfer student from Rowan College of South Jersey, Cumberland campus. King was the Phi Theta Kappa Rho Gamma chapter Honor Society president and is currently a graduate student in the Disaster Preparedness & Emergency Threat Response Management Master’s program at Rowan University.
Serving as Rowan University’s Social Media Chair for the Tri-Alpha (First-Gen) Honor Society, King stated, “We are honored to present this award to Dr. Fred Keating, for his excellence in support and advocacy for first-generation students.”
The Rowan University First-Generation support program, Flying First, aims to provide tools and opportunities for students to have successful personal, professional, academic and social college experiences. The goal of the program is to help first-generation college students feel engaged and appreciated by the broader Rowan University community as a means of improving persistence and personal growth.
Inspired by Rowan University’s Flying First program, the cornerstone of the Keating Family Presidential Institute for First-Generation Students will be the Kappa Epsilon chapter of Alpha Alpha Alpha (Tri-Alpha), dedicated to supporting and celebrating the achievements of first-generation students. Established in April 2024, Tri-Alpha has already inducted 44 student members and 55 faculty and staff members, including Keating himself. These faculty and staff members will play a key role in providing mentorship and guidance to students though the Institute.
For more information on the Keating Family Presidential Institute for First-Generation Students, interested students should reach out to with questions and to be contacted when the Institute is open for applications.