Tuesday, Dec. 24
Children’s Drop-In Choir. 4 p.m. First Presbyterian Church in Haddonfield. All children ages 4 and up are invited to participate in the Christmas Eve Drop-In Choir! Children interested in participating should sing and memorize “Away in a Manger” before Dec. 24, and gather in the church sanctuary at 3:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve to rehearse for the service. Dress attire should be Christmas or neat casual attire for church. Email nancyruthw@comcast.net to RSVP and to get a link to practice the piece.
Thursday, Jan. 2
Board of Education Meeting. 7 p.m. Haddonfield Memorial High School.
Monday, Jan. 6
Board of Commissioners Work Session. 6:30 p.m. Borough Hall.
Tuesday, Jan. 7
Planning Board Meeting. 7:30 p.m. Borough Hall.
Wednesday, Jan. 8.
Human Relations Commission. 7 p.m. Borough Hall.
Thursday, Jan. 9
Mental Health and Mindfulness Strategies with SEPAG. 11 a.m. to 11 a.m. Elizabeth Haddon Art Room. Haddonfield School District School Psychologist Dr. Kristin Leren will talk to parents about mental health and mindfulness strategies. The event is sponsored by the Haddonfield Special Education Parent Advisory Group. Questions? Email haddonfieldsepag@gmail.com.
Tuesday, Jan. 14
The Haddonfield Garden Club. Noon. Lutheran Church, 204 Wayne Ave., Haddonfield. Refreshments and Social will begin at noon, and co-owner of Triple Oaks Nursery will be speaking on Winter Blooming and Winter Interest Plants. Guests are welcomed and admission is free, but please bring a canned food item for donation.
Tuesday, Jan. 21
Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting. 7 p.m. Borough Hall.
Wednesday, Jan. 22
Environmental Commission. 7 p.m. Borough Hall.
Monday, Jan. 27
Commissioners Meeting. 7:30 p.m. Borough Hall.