Winter is here. South Jersey Gas (SJG) and Elizabethtown Gas offer tips aimed to keep customers safe through the winter season.
“We think it’s important to be proactive by offering our customers tips on how to plan for winter storms,” said Craig Stewart, vice president of safety and shared services at SJI Utilities, the gas companies’ parent company. “As a trusted community partner, our customers need to be aware of how they can protect themselves and their families this winter season.”
The companies suggest that residents prepare their homes with the following steps:
- Insulate to prevent heat loss and drafty areas
- Keep extra blankets, flashlights, water, and a supply of non-perishable food readily available.
- Have a generator on standby, but keep it outdoors.
- Check your gas meter, especially after storms, to ensure it is free from debris, ice, snow or other blockages.
- Gently remove snow buildup around and on top of the meter using a broom or your hands. Avoid using a shovel; it can damage the meter.
- Prevent ice from accumulating on the meter by ensuring that gutters or other sources of dripping water are not directed at it. Ensure the paths to the meter are free of obstacles, such as snow piles.
- Clear snow safely. When shoveling, take breaks to avoid over-exertion. Push snow instead of lifting it, and avoid twisting your back while shoveling.
- Use a snow blower with caution, and keep hands and feet clear of moving parts.
- Prepare for power outages by charging electronic devices and have extra batteries on hand.
- Keep a supply of bottled water in case pipes freeze or the water supply is interrupted.
- Be safe and smart with natural gas. Because natural gas lines are underground, they are less likely to be damaged during severe weather. But if lines or service are disrupted, don’t attempt to turn gas off or on by yourself.
- Know the location of your natural gas meter during an emergency so gas companies can quickly access it.
- If you smell natural gas – treated to smell like rotten eggs – move to a safe location, call 911 and contact South Jersey Gas at (800) 582-7060 or Elizabethtown Gas at (800) 492-4009.
For more safety tips, visit https://southjerseygas.com/safety-education/committed-to-safety