Bond referendum school projects are coming along 


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Courtesy of Cherry Hill Public Schools
Phase 1 of a four-phase plan is underway at Carusi Middle School and includes renovation of the A wing, gym, locker rooms and main office area.

Renovations and additions funded by the 2022 bond referendum of $363 million are continuing at township schools.

During a recent board of education meeting, Lynn Shugars, assistant superintendent and business/board secretary, shared project updates. The biggest initiative at the moment, she said, is the addition of all-purpose rooms at numerous schools. 

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“For the most part, we are moving indoors into the buildings and starting some of the work,” Shugars explained.

Work most recently began at Joseph D. Sharp Elementary, including a new roof on the building and the finalizing of brick and waterproofing. Upgrades at Clara Barton Elementary are a little farther along, with an almost-complete roof. Upcoming work includes wall panels, the installation of windows and bathroom tile and outside painting. 

Work is still being completed outside of Horace Mann Elementary, including storm drainage and fencing. Once that’s complete, interior renovations such as wall painting will be underway. James Johnson Elementary is also coming along, with painting and bathroom tile being installed while wiring, ceiling grips and bathroom accessories are in the works. Wiring is also being worked on at Knight Elementary, where a drop ceiling, HVAC and gym equipment, bathroom accessories and interior doors are forthcoming.

Work at Kingston Elementary is the farthest along. The playground area has been turned over to the school; bathroom tiles are being put in; and finishing touches are going on the electric, drop ceilings, HVAC, bathroom accessories and interior doors. Kingston is also the first building to see the installation of theatrical equipment, including stage lighting and curtains.

“So we’re moving right along with those projects,” Shugars noted at the board meeting.

She then highlighted the four-phase upgrades at Carusi Middle School. The district is in the process of wrapping up Phase 1, which includes the renovations of A wing, along with the gym – which will also get insulated panels – locker rooms and the main office area.

Carusi is now preparing to begin Phase 2, which entails abatement and renovation of the school’s B wing, along with the renovation of C wing spaces between the cafeteria and gym. That work is set to begin in June and run through May of 2026. Next steps include the purchase of TCUs (temporary classroom units); installation plans for those are still being discussed. 

Other work includes: additions and renovations at Rosa International Middle School (bid awarded Dec. 17); renovations to the front entrance at Beck Middle School (anticipated completion is February); lighting and ADA accessibility at the Cherry Hill High School West stadium (work to start after July 7); and upgrades to the J.F. Cooper Elementary front parking lot, Beck Middle School west parking lot, auditoriums at both high schools and the F wing at Cherry Hill East over the next two years. 

Shugars also highlighted upcoming preschool additions that will be funded through a ROD grant that is separate from the bond referendum. Project work includes an eight-classroom pre-K addition at both the Estelle V. Malberg Early Childhood Center and Joyce Kilmer Elementary, along with the conversion of 13 individual toilet rooms at Malberg to preK-suitable facilities. The Kilmer site will also get two new playgrounds. 

Further bond referendum project updates will be presented by Shugars at the first board of education meeting of each month. 

In other board news, public information officer Nina Baratti presented findings from a recent communications audit and subsequent updates to the district’s strategic communications plan. Parents and guardians can expect stronger transparency regarding inclement weather announcements, health emergencies and similar events, and they will also receive weekly newsletters from both Superintendent Dr. Kwame Morton and school principals.

There is also now a Superintendent Spotlight on social media, highlighting individuals who are doing great work across the district. 

Looking ahead, Baratti promised there will be listening opportunities to gather feedback from the public on what is and isn’t working, especially regarding the newly-launched district website. She’s also updating communications around the referendum projects that will eventually include fresh photos, videos and digital tours, both on a dedicated webpage and social media, to show how the work is coming along.

Other goals for the near future include the implementation of a district branding guide (standardized logos, colors and fonts) and enhanced engagement with non-English-speaking families. 

The board also discussed the possible extension of the district’s Wireless Communications Device Policy – which bans cell phone use in the classroom – to its members during meetings. The goal is to set an example for students. A vote is expected to take place during the next meeting.

Award-winning entertainment news writer for PopHorror, Looper, Lower Bucks Times & The Sun Newspapers

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