The Burlington County Sheriff’s Office is once again collecting new toys for area children and their families.
The sheriff’s 29th annual toy drive is underway, with donation bins at close to 50 locations across Burlington County. Collections will occur regularly through Friday, Dec. 13.
Hundreds of toys and gifts were collected during last year’s drive and were distributed to local families in need by the sheriff’s office and its partners. The office also continues to accept and distribute donations of food, toiletries, water, toys, paper supplies and other household goods for distribution year-round.
“As members of law enforcement, we take a lot of pride in serving Burlington County communities and the toy drive is a special part of that service,” said Burington Couty Sheriff James Kostoplis. “It’s a longstanding tradition that has brightened the holidays for thousands of children and families.
“We want to make this year’s drive our most successful yet, so we’re once again reaching out for community support.”
A complete list of donation bin locations is available on the Sheriff’s Office Facebook page (www.facebook.com/Burcosheriffnj) and County website (www.co.burlington.nj.us/DocumentCenter/View/20284/2024-TOY-DRIVE-FLYER–BOX-LOCATIONS).
Businesses or offices interested in hosting a donation bin should contact the Sheriff’s Community Outreach Unit at (609) 265-3788. Donated toys and gifts will be distributed to local families who could benefit from some holiday assistance.
For questions about the toy drive, contact the sheriff’s office at (609) 265-3788.