Berlin Township Calendar

Ongoing The Marie Fleche Memorial Library hosts a puzzle exchange program every fourth Saturday of the month from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Meet new people who share your interests...

‘Nothing prepares you’

Steve and Kim Brown’s love story begins at the back seat of a school bus on the way...

Berlin Borough Calendar

Ongoing The Marie Fleche Memorial Library hosts a puzzle exchange program every fourth Saturday of the month from 11:30...

Grants available to emergency responders

New Jersey American Water has announced its 2025 grant program for volunteer fire departments and emergency responders within...


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Selfless community leaders honored at Rotary awards

The Voorhees Breakfast Rotary Club hosted its annual community service awards dinner on Jan. 23 at Lucien’s Manor, where four people were recognized for...

Berlin Borough Calendar

Ongoing The Marie Fleche Memorial Library hosts a puzzle exchange program every fourth Saturday of the month from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Meet new...

A showcase of county student musicians

Thirty student musicians from high schools across Camden County showcased a mix of popular music genres at the All County Modern Band Showcase on...

Police training on a ‘global scale’

The command and leadership academy of the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police (NJSACOP) has become one of the nation’s premier law-enforcement...

‘Part of one family’

The second annual South Jersey Muslim Heritage Month Festival organized by the Muslim Heritage Month Coalition of New Jersey was just one of several...

Red Cross: Need for blood donors is constant

The American Red Cross needs the help of state residents. The need for blood and platelet donations during January's National Blood Donor Month and...

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